Tilt Table Test

A tilt table test is used to evaluate the cause of unexplained dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting (syncope). Even if you have fainted only once, another episode could put you at high risk of injury due to your work environment, medical history, age or other factors. This test may be recommended by your doctor to try to trigger your signs and symptoms.

Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TTE)

A transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) is a diagnostic procedure used to asses the condition and function of the heart using high frequency waves. This is done in a hospital setting where images of your heart are recorded by introducing an ultrasound transducer into the esophagus.


An ultrasound is a simple diagnostic study used to assess structures within your body. It is a valuable tool to help diagnose a variety of diseases and conditions. Ultrasound technology using high frequency waves and transforms them into images that can be seen on a computer screen.

Venous Doppler Ultrasound

A venous Doppler study is a noninvasive study used to measure the direction of blood flow through a vein using high frequency waves. This study is useful in detecting any abnormalities which may present within a vein.

Venous Reflux Study

A venous reflux study is a noninvasive study used to assess venous insufficiency.