What is an Event Monitor?

Biotel MCOT Patch
A cardiac event monitor is a small portable device worn by patients during their normal activity for up to 30 days. This device is capable of recording the electrical activity of the heart in the form of an electrocardiogram (EKG) for up to several minutes. This is intended to record arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm) that would not be found on a routine EKG or to record an arrhythmia that is so infrequent, it is not detected on a 24 hour Holter monitor.
Who needs it?
- Patients with palpitations with or without arrhythmias
- Patients with symptoms of:
- Intermittent palpitations
- New syncope
- Dizziness
- Intermittent lightheadedness
- Patients requiring monitoring of the effects of drugs given to them to control atrial fibrillation
- Patients recovering from cardiac surgery who need arrhythmia monitoring
- Patients with obstructive sleep apnea who may have possible arrhythmias
Can anyone use it?
An event monitor is not intended for patients with life-threatening arrhythmias.
How does it work?
A package with the event monitor will be delivered to you. You will need to apply 3 sticky patches (electrodes) to your chest. These electrodes will be attached to wires called leads which connect to the monitor that is worn around your neck.This will be given to you up to a period of 30 days. If you feel any symptoms, push the button on the monitor to begin recording. This will allow Dr. Jamnadas to know what was happening with your heart at that point of time.
What are the benefits?

- This is capable of detecting asymptomatic events and transmitting them immediately to Dr. Jamnadas.
- Useful in recording arrhythmias that would not be found on a routine EKG or a 24 hour Holter monitor.
- The extended memory allows Dr. Jamnadas to examine the hearts electrical activity over an entire day.
- Useful in diagnosis of previously unrecognized arrhythmias and cause of symptoms.
- Allows confirmation or exclusion of a probable arrhythmic cause of symptoms.
- Useful in monitoring anti-arrhythmic medication.