- There is no specific test preparation. We only ask that you wear comfortable clothes that can be removed easily to access the body part being studied
- This test will examine the either the arteries in your legs using sound waves. There are no known health risks from using these sound waves to make images. The test normally takes 30 minutes
- Please take your daily medications as normal.
- A registered ultrasonographer will make a set of images. A gel will be applied to your skin and the ultrasound transducer will be rubbed on your leg.
- In addition, you may have a test called an ANKLE BRACHIAL INDEX. This test is used in addition to the arterial Doppler to assess for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). Blood Pressure measurements are taken at the arms and ankles using a hand-held Doppler. The instrument reports numerical results that can be tracked over timed. The test normally takes from 10 minutes to 20 minutes.
- If you have any questions about this test, please call us at 407-894-4880.
- What does Arterial ultrasound show?
This test is done to assess flow through your arteries that supply blood to your extremities, results are used to identify peripheral arterial disease (PAD). PAD may be the cause of the symptoms you are feeling.